Referência à classe LSRE2.Match

Represents a match between two players. Mais...

Membros públicos

 Match (Player loser, Player winner)
 Gets a new instance of match. Mais...
double GetLikelihood ()
 Gets how likely was that result to happen given each player's score. Mais...
override string ToString ()

Atributos Públicos

readonly Player winner
 The winner of the match Mais...
readonly Player loser
 The loser of the match Mais...

Descrição detalhada

Represents a match between two players.

Documentação dos Construtores & Destrutor

◆ Match()

LSRE2.Match.Match ( Player  loser,
Player  winner 

Gets a new instance of match.


Documentação dos métodos

◆ GetLikelihood()

double LSRE2.Match.GetLikelihood ( )

Gets how likely was that result to happen given each player's score.


Documentação dos dados membro

◆ loser

readonly Player LSRE2.Match.loser

The loser of the match

◆ winner

readonly Player LSRE2.Match.winner

The winner of the match

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